Show Notes for Episode #62: Brown Vs Board of Education



Hello and welcome to Learning the Law, a podcast about all things legal with a focus on current events where we try to teach you things in an hour. My name is Phoenix with my co-host and spouse, Ron. This podcast is purely educational and should not be taken as legal advice, this podcast does not create an attorney-client relationship, this podcast is based on our interpretation of relevant law. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of the individual making them and do not reflect the opinions of any firm, company, or other individuals. Ron is a licensed practicing attorney in the state of California and Phoenix is a journalist who’s been in the film industry for over 20 yrs. This podcast does touch on a lot of sensitive subjects like sexual assault and police brutality we just want our audience to be aware. Remember, you can always pause and come back. 

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Subject: Current Events

  1. Classified documents case update
  2. Election interference case update
  3. Justice Alito Recordings
  4. Access to Mifepristone Stays
  5. Brazil wants to tax the wealthy internationally
    1. Rep Ilan Omar and Sen Sanders support

Main Topic: Brown v Board of Education

  1. Brown v Board of Education
    1. Thurgood Marshall was appointed on this date in 1967 as the first African American Supreme court justice
      1. 2014 GA first integrated prom Br  
    2. Plessey v Fergusson   1896, and the Separate but Equal Doctrine
      1. Homer Plessy
    3. The holding of Brown v Board of Education
    4. Subsequent laws and decisions
      1. Keys v Carolina Coach   1955
        1. Sarah Keys
      2. Civil Rights Act of 1964
      3. Voting Rights Act of 1965

E. Justice Clarence thomas thinks Brown v Board of Education needs to be re-examined

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If you are a non-binary/trans/or woman creator and are looking for a safe space where you can chat with like minded individuals and get resources to help you on your creative journey in this ever changing online space you should check out GirlStreamers. GirlStreamers is an online community that focuses on support and inclusivity in the online world of content creation. It is a closed private community for the purposes of creating a truly safe space for women and non cishet men online. You can join the discord at and follow GS on all major social media platforms!

Topic B: Project 2025 

(something to note
the old link stopped working, I think they uploaded a new one but I didn’t download the old one so I don’t know the differences but the new link goes to our google drive copy of the pdf for everyone to have access to.)

Defining fascism – Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

  1. Section One: Taking the Reins of Gov (pg 51)
    1. Chp 1: White House Office (pg 55)
    2. Chp 2: Executive Office of the President of the US (pg 75)
    3. Chp 3: Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracy (pg 101)
  2. Section Two: The Common Defense (pg 119)
    1. Department of Defense (pg 123)
    2. Department of Homeland Security (pg 165)
    3. Department of State (pg 203-233)
      1. The X article
      2. The Hart–Rudman Commission
    4. Intelligence Community (pg 233 – 263)
      1. Mass shooting in philly
      2. Five Eyes
      3. FISA bill blocked
    5. Media Agencies (pg 235 – 280)
      1. US Agency for Global Media
        1. The Firewall Regulation
      2. Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    6. Agency for International Development (pg 285 – 311)
      1. Clear Choice definition (pg287)
      2. Climate policies in fact help food insecurities according to the UN (pg289)
      3. We are paying the price by American business not investing in Central and South America as well as Africa because of racist ideals.
      4. Get rid of all DEI initiatives
      5. Scrub government websites of all non-conservative policies and ideals
  3. Section Three: The General Welfare (pg 315)
    1. Department of Agriculture (pg 321 –  342)
      1. Snap Legislation 
    2. Department of Education (pg 351 – 393)
    3. Department of Energy and Related Commissions (pg 395 –  441)
      1. Blames higher energy costs on Green energy but Tru,p forced the Saudis and OPEC to cut production to kee prices high
      2. Repeal the Infrastructure Act and Inflation reduction Act in order to stop subsidies to green energy companies.  No mention of the billion dollars of subsidies to the oil and gas industry.
      3. The Department of Energy should focus on energy security and privatizing all energy production.  DOE should also open old nuclear material sites and develop new nuclear weapons.
      4. Let private industry oversee the disposal of nuclear waste.  Because private industry cleaning up non nuclear waste has been so successful, especially with the republicans wanting to get rid of the clean water and air acts.
      5. Defund all green energy research in case further breakthroughs are made and people have more affordable and renewable energy.
      6. Get rid of DOE loan programs.
      7. Oppose anything having any kind of U.N. involvement
      8. Expand in Alaska to noy only drill but also mine for rare earths.  The problems with drilling in Alaska and why 9000 oil leases go unused

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Did you know that the term gauze comes from the city of Gaza? Did you also know that we are helping raise funds to get a family out of Gaza? We are trying to help the Alghouti family reach their brother, Shadi, in Canada. Dr.s Adel, Adli and their families are trying to flee the horrors of the genocide of Palestine. On March 11, 2024. Dr. Adli and his son were injured in front of the Emerati hospital; he is recovering and doing okay but he is limited in what he is capable of and really needs to evacuate so that they can fully recover. Links to the gofundme are in the show notes and podcast description. Right now we’re aiming for a goal of $30,000 by the end of June. I will come out of retirement and play Alien Isolation if we hit that goal!

Topic 3: – Agenda 47

  1. Ending drug addiction
  2. Chronic Childhood Illnesses

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We wanted to take a moment to say thank you to Muzicchik who created all the bumper music you hear on the podcast! You can find her music on Spotify and YouTube, just look for M-U-Z-I-C-C-H-I-K That’s Muzic with a Zzzzed. 


Thank you so much for listening to learning the law. If you liked this podcast and want to hear more, don’t forget to like, subscribe, follow, and share in all your favorite places.. Don’t forget to follow us on on social media at Necrokijo for Ron on Threads and PhoenixNymphy for Phoenix. If you have any questions please feel free to comment, dm or email us  at This has been a Two Lazy Dogs production.

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